Today was our last official day here in El Salvador. It was probably the closest to the itinerary as well. ESNA has been so flexible when it has come to our needs through this trip that it’s been rare that we’ve followed the original plan. Still, though, we’ve done 95% of the activities that we had planned!
The plan for today was simple: relax at the beach and recover from the past week and a half of nonstop go-ing. Metallo is about half an hour or so south of Sonsonate on the Pacific coast.
We found ourselves at a seafood restaurant with a stretch of beach. The gang was immediately into the water despite a wide stretch of sand that was probably 80+ degrees Celsius (my feet are still a bit sore from a quick run across it).
I spent most of my time watching the group from the shade of the restaurant’s deck and took a number of pictures. Despite repeated reminders from the leadership team, a number of the kids managed to get themselves some serious sunburns… Thank goodness they won’t have to deal with wearing backpacks and sitting on scratchy aeroplane seats tomorrow… Oh wait. *eye roll *
For lunch Vanessa and I both ordered plates of shrimp – mine in a garlic sauce and hers plain. That was an experience; I’ve never had while shrimp before… They came out cooked, but still with bodies, feelers, legs and all. Yummy!
Following lunch some of the group went back into the ocean while a number partook of the pool that was onsite. The drive back to Hotel Agape was fairly quiet, interspersed with whining about how sore their skin was. I won’t pretend that I’m not feeling pretty smug about my lack of sunburn.
This evening we had a lovely chicken and rice dinner with cantaloupe juice, then we thanked the ESNA staff and cooks for the fantastic time we had and we received invitations to return any time we liked.
In a bit of a surprise, the group was invited to a big party/concert happening across from the hotel grounds (our little subsection is right up near the road), so most of the kids, plus Vanessa and Lu jumped at the chance to have one last blowout before we leave tomorrow. I can hear the music as clear as day from here in the hotel lobby, about 100m back from the road… Good music, but I’m glad I’m not up near the speakers.
The plan for tomorrow is to have the kids out of bed and in the mini buses at 3 AM so that we’re at least two hours in advance for our flight from San Salvador airport (50km south-southeast of San Salvador). The drive should be no more than two hours based on our experience on the roads so far, so here’s hoping we don’t run into any issues.
For those who are curious, our flights are as follows:
American Airlines flight 2294
San Salvador – Dallas-Fort Worth
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Departure 8:30 CST
Arrive 12:05 CDT
American Airlines flight 420
Dallas-Fort Worth – Toronto
Departure 19:50 CDT
Arrive 23:45 EDT
I may have screwed up the times in Dallas, but either way, that’s one long-ass layover and I know some of the kids are planning to stay up until our three AM departure… Joy!
Anyway, I’ll possibly make an update tomorrow en-route if I can find free WiFi, but I’m not holding my breath.
When I have time later this week, I’ll go through these posts and add photos, and I have plans for a general reflection assuming that I have time!
AdiĆ³s for now, my friends!